Category Archives: Restless Leg Syndrome FAQs

Sleeping Disorders – The History

When we hear about sleeping disorders we’re commonly hearing about those who sleepwalk and can’t sleep which is known as insomnia, but often we wonder why sleeping disorders are becoming a prominent issue in today’s society. Right now according to the website Wikipedia there are a total of 14 different disorders ranging from eye twitching to restless legs. Some of these problems are treatable and even preventable when monitored by a doctor or specialized health professional. Sleeping disorders can be extremely dangerous when they go undiagnosed. Many […]

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How to Tell If You Have a Sleep Disorder

There are many people that have an undiagnosed sleep disorder. They may feel very sleepy during the day. They may have trouble falling to sleep or staying asleep. Friends or relatives may tell them they look very tired. They may experience mood changes, irritability or become overly emotional. Often they have difficulty paying attention, concentrating, or remembering things that are important. These are all symptoms of sleep deprivation, and possibly of a sleep disorder. A person that has an undiagnosed sleep disorder will usually answer the question, […]

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What Is Restless Leg Syndrome?

Restless leg syndrome is a common cause of a painful legs. The pain typically eases with some motion and becomes more intense when resting. It usually begins slowly and over time, the legs become more affected. Less frequently, restless leg syndrome can affect the arms. If your legs are causing you to move them without any reason, especially at night? Does this happen while you sleep? It is very possible taht you might have a condition called “restless legs syndrome” or shortly RLS. But, we have some […]

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